My Profile

Missy Gluckmann, MA, Int'l Ed (SIT)

Contact Details


Twenty plus years in international education (study abroad/international student advising) and then left univ life to start Melibee Global, the resource I wish I had access to in prior university jobs! I focus on career coaching specific to int'l ed (the C4 Cultural Career Coaching Circle), booking innovative international speakers, and cultural tools to make your work more creative and effective. I also founded Better Abroad - a volunteer space on the web for folks who are annoyed about the focus on volume vs quality in int'l ed. ( I run a seriously cool gathering from time to time called the Melibee Swarm on Culture, Identity, and Perspective - a highly experiential approach to professional development. From NY (long time Region Xer!) but now based in the beautiful mountains of Asheville, NC. Often found in Boston, NYC, and abroad however! Be in touch!