My Profile

Ms Aleithia Joy Stephens

Manager of Instructional Support,
Baylor University

Contact Details

Baylor University


Aleithia Stephens is the current NAFSA State Liaison for Oklahoma. She has worked in several internationally-focused positions, including Study Abroad Adviser at the University of Oklahoma, Incoming Exchange Student Coordinator at Oklahoma State University, and Volunteer Coordinator for a refugee resettlement agency in Connecticut. In June 2020, Aleithia joined the University of Oklahoma's Office of Digital Learning as a Course Developer.

Aleithia has presented on Education Abroad topics at various conferences, participated in NAFSA Advocacy Day in 2018, served as a Peer Reviewer for Frontiers: the Interdisciplinary Journal for Study Abroad, and for five semesters taught an online reflective journaling course for students studying abroad. She holds an MLitt in Renaissance and Early Modern Studies from the University of Aberdeen.