
Welcome to Region I Network

Welcome to the Region I Network Community!


We now have a two-way mode of communication with international educators for sharing regional updates and announcements.  The Network Community discussion forum will supplement our quarterly newsletter and will provide an opportunity for real-time communication between colleagues.

This an open community, meaning that anyone can post a discussion topic, comment, and engage in a professional dialogue with other community members. As such, all new posts require approval by Region I team members who serve as moderators. Prior to posting, please review the Community Rules and Etiquette set by NAFSA, which hosts all of the Network Communities. Additionally, Region I asks that communication to our regional members should be related to the work of and collaboration within the region. The community should not be used as a marketing and sales platform, and job postings should be within Region I. There is an already created “Job Board” discussion post where job announcements can be posted as opposed to creating a new discussion topic per job posting.

Other uses for the network community could include seeking feedback from community members, soliciting conference session topics, or coordinating session co-presenters.

All other regional communities are open and anybody, both NAFSA members and non-members, can join network communities regardless of their regional affiliation. Should you have messages that are relevant to other regions, please consider joining their network community. Please note: Some regions are still in the process of converting to Network.NAFSA and may not have an active network community at this time.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to a member of the team should you have any questions. We look forward to engaging in great discussions through our network community with you!

2018 Region I Leadership Team

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  • What can you do in April to expand your expertise, connect with peers, and engage with NAFSA & Education ...

  • Dear Region I Colleagues, Would our community here help me with a quick survey? 10 minutes tops to complete ...

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